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Thursday, August 15, 2013

How do I be still in the now?

Be still in the now..... How does one do this in today's society ????  

 I often ask myself this question.... I haven't yet found the answer, I feel I am more on a journey of discovery. Or that's what I tell myself to make me feel better anyway.  

 Right now I am a wife, a mother of two small but very active little boys, I work full time running a cafe/bar which is open 6 days. I also run a design business, which involves about 10 other 'balls in the air' for me. I go to church and like to try and be activity involved, I am a sister, a daughter, and a daughter in law. I am also a boss and a friend. 

These are what I can think of now - I'm guessing there might be more too me, but it has escaped me at the present moment. 

My point being with so much going on and living a 'full' life, I find it hard to just be in the now. 

Last week I had two days off in a row and sitting in the sun having a cider I found it hard not to check emails, write back to clients, check up on staff, feeling the guilt of not constantly entertaining the kids. Did I read enough to them, are we spending quality time together???? 
Am I building my marriage or are we just ships passing in the night??? 
So my list goes on....  

 In society today with phones, email, Instagram, Facebook etc, we are continually bombarded with information, constantly needed by something or someone.

I have the deep sense within me that we need to somehow relearn to cherish the now, embrace the moments that life brings to us. Love on our kids while they are babies. Turn the phones off and not to answer the emails right away. {I know we need balance and some things are important but I also believe moments need to be important too} balance this side of your life and don't allow yourself to feel guilty for it.  

 I need to be able to be at the park with my kids and just BE with them not have my mind wander to another place. What I should be ticking off my to-do list etc.  

Our lives are but so short on this Earth and as from dust we have come to dust we will return, eternity as it is, is forever. These years where we have breath in our lungs and life in our bones are a snapshot in comparison. 

Don't throw these moments away and then wish them back when it's all too late..... 

This is my hearts desire, to learn this so my children see me daily walk this out in my life, and then they can reflect it in theirs.

{ embrace the now - they will be moments past before we know it }

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friendship.... Girlfriends .... BFF.... Gal pals

Where would we be without our BFF by our side walking through the valleys, and enjoying the mountains....

Yes we have our families.... Our husbands.... Partners.... Mums and dads.... But a best friend .... Who can replace ?

That friend or if you're lucky like I am that group of girls you clicked with instantly....

I am so blessed in my life with the richness of my friendships... Some are new and some are old but they are all treasured in my heart and I love them each fiercely.

My friends have taught me to love, to cry, to laugh, to be a wife.... A mother.... To cook.... To clean!!!!

Some of my close friends who I once lived with before I was married, we still get together husband and children free to enjoy a night away together with the girls, to laugh and usually cry ... But to just have that moment away together to forget the world and just enjoy our friendship.

One of my best friends and I met across a crowded room, we spotted each other and knew instantly that we wanted to be friends.... This was 11yrs ago...

Another BFF and I met as I am now her boss.... Never has she made this wired or strange between us, work is work and wine time is wine time.... We know this... A soon as I interviewed her I knew she had that something special and  I wanted to be her friend.

One other fab friend and I used to share a room while I was in bible college.... We had 2 single mattresses on the floor side by side.... Shared clothes... Makeup.... Prescription creams which we shouldn't have done!!!! We now live away from each other but catch up when we can and have sleepovers again.....

A key of wisdom I learnt from another girl was to always protect our friendship.... No matter how I felt in the moment.... I would always protect our friendship .... I would always protect her name and she would always know that.

Life may change .... Location... Kids... Marriage .... Work..... It might all change and it might separate us but my love for my group of girlfriends is never ending.... I know they are here for me as I am for them....

Treasure your BFF, always protect her, encourage her, remind her that you are grateful for her and all that she brings to your life.....

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Deep within me I crave creativity....

I find that no matter where I am .... At home.... At work.... Driving .... In the shower..... Trying to sleep after a 14hr shift at the cafe.... No matter where .... I crave to be creative.

I dream of paint on my hands and the smell of timber in the air.... Of colours, textures, ink, canvas, tiles, lighting, indoor, outdoor the dreams are endless....

I know that this is what I am here for .... to create

{ Clean Hands }

{ Inspiration } 

{ My Hand Made & Painted Bed Head }

Friday, August 2, 2013

{ w h i t e }

 White will always have my heart.... 

{ Pinterest will always lead to inspiration & hours of lost time for me} 

{ One of our prints that will be available soon }

{ Pinterest ever inspiring } 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Beginnings....

Where we find ourselves, at this moment as we meet ..... 

I am a wife..... A mother of two little boys..... I own and run a cafe/ small bar located on the Central Coast of Australia which I am in the process of selling. I also have an Interior Design company which currently focuses on commercial and domestic fit outs and redesigns, but we are slowly moving into creating our own furniture and home wares. 

I am creative by nature and feel like I don't even have to breathe when I am creating something. 
My hands feel at home covered in paint and running along the grain of freshly sanded timber. 

Something deep within me can't fight the restlessness I feel when I try to ignore this dream of mine to create.... 

                                                      FRESHLY SANDED OREGON