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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


'You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.' 
Oscar Wilde 

I love this thought from Oscar Wilde. The fact that the more we use the more we will have always amazes me. 

I have always believed that the moment we ask Jesus Christ to become the centre of our world, that he will forever more dwell within us - we are now one with him. 

If we are one with Christ, who created Earth and all that we see and don't see from an inky blackness and still nothingness, the possibilities are endless for our creativity and what we can dream in to being. 

I feel like creating is within me, it's who I am, like Christ in me it cannot be separated. 
The stillness that I feel when I dream and create cannot be compared to anything else I feel on this Earth, it's far more deeper then we are able to comprehend as Earthly beings.

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