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Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year New Beginnings

Here's to a New Year and New Beginnings....

It's such a lovely feeling knowing that the pages are blank and we in a way get a second chance.
The year is full of endless possibilities, dreams, memories to be made, and new adventures to be had.

I want to make sure that this year I am living 'in' the moment. I don't want the days and weeks to fade away before I have had a chance to suck the life out of every moment. For me I feel that last year slipped away in many areas of my life. I got caught up in the momentum of a full life, business, family, kids, friends, church, marriage, it all just rolled into one and I existed not lived. I am determined to not let that happen again.

I am committed to doing what I am passionate about, and what I believe will lead me on a great path to happiness. I know this is going to make me a better wife, a better mother and a better friend.

I hope at the beginning of this year that you will determine to make it a great one, to take hold of this year, believe for the best and see great things unfold.

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