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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm on the 'I quit sugar' Bandwagon

If you are a reader of this blog you'll know that I am the mother of two very active little boys.
As sweet as they are and as lovely as they can be - they are boys. Boys who love to run and wrestle, and play superheros and wrestle, and jump and dance and did I mention wrestle yet...

If you know me - I am also not one who is into research - I know gasp in disbelief!

BUT.... after having tried a few times and failed I have got back on the bandwagon of the 'I quit sugar'.
To be more specific and correct - my boys have quit sugar!

The more I worked at finding sugar-free foods for them, the more and more I found that sugar is in nearly everything we buy and eat. These poor little bodies trying to cope with all this sugar that we are feeding them, sometimes unaware that we are even doing it.

It's been a big learning curve for me as a mother, I want the best for my boys and I want them to grow up healthy and strong.

Within a few days of removing sugar from the foods they were eating,  I saw a difference.
In the weeks to follow so did my eldest sons teacher, and other family members commented on the change in the boys.

Here is a recipe that I altered slightly to suit my boys a little better. It's super easy and one that you can do with the kids - which I find sometimes that encourages them to eat it
- hope you enjoy... 
(Original recipe is from IQS for life by Sarah Wilson)


2 tbs popcorn kernels
2 tbs coconut oil
1.5 tbs raw cacao powder
2 tbs rice malt syrup
2 tbs organic sugar free peanut butter
1 ts organic coconut sugar
Large pinch of salt

Cook 2 tbs of popcorn kernels either in the saucepan or in the microwave with half the coconut oil.
In a saucepan on low mix together the remaining coconut oil with the cacao powder, syrup, peanut butter and coconut sugar till they are all melted together.
Add the cooked popcorn and stir till all the popcorn in covered in the chocolate peanut butter goodness. Spread in a small try and refrigerate until firm.

I am going to try this again without the peanut butter - so that my eldest can take it to school with him.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our next big step....

So at White Room Inc. we have finally started to develop and create our own homewares.
This is something that has been in my heart for a very long time and now that we are taking our first steps I feel like a little girl the night before Christmas....

We are starting out small. Everything is hand made and created with love for you to enjoy.

First we created candle holders. A little pair of geometric style timber candle holders, painted in various colours.
These will soon be available online through our website and various other sites that we will let you know about.

We will also be creating prints, throw pillows, side tables and lots of other treats that we are sure you will love.

Make sure you subscribe to our blog so we can keep you updated with each new release.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why we create.....

Why we create?

I find that I ask myself this question a lot.....

Sometimes I feel the pressure to create something 'amazing' in the eyes of others.

When really I feel the need within to create not for others but for myself.

I create because it's within me and it needs to come out.

Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year New Beginnings

Here's to a New Year and New Beginnings....

It's such a lovely feeling knowing that the pages are blank and we in a way get a second chance.
The year is full of endless possibilities, dreams, memories to be made, and new adventures to be had.

I want to make sure that this year I am living 'in' the moment. I don't want the days and weeks to fade away before I have had a chance to suck the life out of every moment. For me I feel that last year slipped away in many areas of my life. I got caught up in the momentum of a full life, business, family, kids, friends, church, marriage, it all just rolled into one and I existed not lived. I am determined to not let that happen again.

I am committed to doing what I am passionate about, and what I believe will lead me on a great path to happiness. I know this is going to make me a better wife, a better mother and a better friend.

I hope at the beginning of this year that you will determine to make it a great one, to take hold of this year, believe for the best and see great things unfold.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Run after those dreams....

The older I get, and I know I am only 31 yrs old but, I guess this thought will just grow and magnify as I grow.
I find that time is going faster and all I want is for it to slow down....
I am discovering that the important things and the things that I find value in need to be at the centre of who I am.

Time will one day be up and I will walk from this life into the next - I pray that I will have exhausted all the dreams and creativity that I have running through my bones.

As we get closer to Christmas, pondering Mary and all that she had to go though to bring Jesus into this world for us. Making sure all my priorities are in order and that I am not focused on the small insignificant things, that I see the bigger picture of my place here in this time.

Daily I am trying to figure out, plan and put into practice how to run after these dreams, how to chase them down with everything that I have within me. The fire within my soul that won't be quenched by anything but chasing down and fulfilment those dreams.

As a leap of faith and a belief in myself and my family. For them and myself I am going to run after all that he has placed within me...... I hope that you do to.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Tis the season.....

I can't help but get so excited at this time of the year. 
Christmas is just simply in the air and I love it.
I remember the weeks leading up to Chrismtas as a child - the days seemed to drag on forever... the nights lasted longer... but with patiance and slight distraction from my parents.... Christmas would finally arrive. 

The tree surrounded with beautifully wrapped presents, bows and ribbons for days.
Christmas carols playing in the background and twinkling lights covering the windows.
Excitement was in the air.
 The table was set full with 'special Christmas' treats looking delicious and delectable.
The family would gather and share the day together. 
Memories were made and moments were created. 

Now I am a mother and I get to create this atmosphere and excitement for my boys. 
I get to see them squeal with excitement when they actually see that we did get them the Batcave, that they have been wanting for and looking at for months. 
I get to decorate my house with lights and ornaments.
I get to fill the Christmas tree with gifts for the ones I love.

I get to create new traditions that my boys will grow up and remember forever. 
To create moments for them that will last a life time. 

~ Pinterest ~

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


'You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.' 
Oscar Wilde 

I love this thought from Oscar Wilde. The fact that the more we use the more we will have always amazes me. 

I have always believed that the moment we ask Jesus Christ to become the centre of our world, that he will forever more dwell within us - we are now one with him. 

If we are one with Christ, who created Earth and all that we see and don't see from an inky blackness and still nothingness, the possibilities are endless for our creativity and what we can dream in to being. 

I feel like creating is within me, it's who I am, like Christ in me it cannot be separated. 
The stillness that I feel when I dream and create cannot be compared to anything else I feel on this Earth, it's far more deeper then we are able to comprehend as Earthly beings.

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